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J Cosmet Med 2021; 5(1): 40-44

Published online June 30, 2021


A case of arteriovenous malformation of the nasal dorsum

Hyejeen Kim, MD1 , Jung Myung Kim, MD2 , Ji Yun Choi, MD, PhD1

1Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Chosun University College of Medicine, Gwangju, Rep. of Korea
2Department of Radiology, Chosun University College of Medicine, Gwangju, Rep. of Korea

Correspondence to :
Ji Yun Choi
E-mail: happyent@naver.com

Received: June 7, 2021; Revised: June 10, 2021; Accepted: June 10, 2021

© Korean Society of Korean Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine (KSKCS & KCCS)

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a vascular malformation with an abnormal capillary shunt between the arterial and venous systems. AVMs can arise anywhere on the body, and are occasionally located in the head and neck. However, AVMs of the nose are considerably rare. Most cases of AVMs of the nose have no symptoms, but some cases show epistaxis and nasal obstruction. Furthermore, a differential diagnosis between hemangioma, lymphangioma, and AVM is important. In cases of AVMs, especially on the face, surgeons should consider cosmetic factors and choose an appropriate plan of treatment. We report the case of a 22-yearold male who presented with an asymptomatic, palpable mass on the nasal dorsum and was successfully treated with transcatheter arterial embolization and sclerotherapy.

Keywords: arteriovenous malformations, embolization, nasal dorsum, sclerotherapy

Fig. 1.(A) Pretreatment photograph showing protruding and pulsating mass on the right nasal dorsum. (B) Posttreatment photograph showing no visible mass on the nasal dorsum.
  1. Rodriguez IE, Khechoyan DY, Deleyiannis FW, French B. Surgical management of a nasal AVM in a pediatric patient: a case report. JPRAS Open 2018;16:93-7.
    Pubmed KoreaMed CrossRef
  2. Donnelly LF, Adams DM, Bisset GS 3rd. Vascular malformations and hemangiomas: a practical approach in a multidisciplinary clinic. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2000;174:597-608.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  3. Coskun BU, Sozen E, Basak T, Alkan S, Dadas B. Arteriovenous malformation of the nasopharynx: a case report. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2005;69:1287-90.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  4. Noh Y, Ryu G, Kim HY. A case of arteriovenous malformation of the nasal tip. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2020;63:123-8.
  5. Khorasani GA, Rakei S, Riazi H. Massive nasal arteriovenous malformation (AVM) excision and reconstruction with expanded forehead flap: a case report. World J Plast Surg 2017;6:106-10.
  6. Weinzweig N, Chin G, Polley J, Charbel F, Shownkeen H, Debrun G. Arteriovenous malformation of the forehead, anterior scalp, and nasal dorsum. Plast Reconstr Surg 2000;105:2433-9.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  7. Mulliken JB, Glowacki J. Hemangiomas and vascular malformations in infants and children: a classification based on endothelial characteristics. Plast Reconstr Surg 1982;69:412-22.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  8. Luessenhop AJ, Spence WT. Artificial embolization of cerebral arteries. Report of use in a case of arteriovenous malformation. J Am Med Assoc 1960;172:1153-5.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  9. Merland JJ, Ricke MC, Hadjean E. The use of superselective arteriography, embolization, and surgery in the current management of cervicocephalic vascular malformations (350 cases). In: Williams HB, editor. Symposium on vascular malformations and melanotic lesions. St. Louis: Mosby; 1983. p. 135-43.
  10. Kerber CW. Flow-controlled therapeutic embolization: a physiologic and safe technique. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1980;134:557-61.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  11. Schrudde J, Petrovici V. Surgical treatment of giant hemangioma of the facial region after arterial embolization. Plast Reconstr Surg 1981;68:878-89.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  12. Azzolini A, Bertani A, Riberti C. Superselective embolization and immediate surgical treatment: our present approach to treatment of large vascular hemangiomas of the face. Ann Plast Surg 1982;9:42-60.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  13. Demuth RJ, Miller SH, Keller F. Complications of embolization treatment for problem cavernous hemangiomas. Ann Plast Surg 1984;13:135-44.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  14. Lazzaro MA, Badruddin A, Zaidat OO, Darkhabani Z, Pandya DJ, Lynch JR. Endovascular embolization of head and neck tumors. Front Neurol 2011;2:64.
    Pubmed KoreaMed CrossRef
  15. Oliveira C, Donato H, da Silva FP, Donato P, Agostinho AG, Carvalheiro V. Long-term outcome of embolization of extracranial arteriovenous malformations of the head and neck. Acta Radiol Port 2015;106:17-22.


Case Report

J Cosmet Med 2021; 5(1): 40-44

Published online June 30, 2021 https://doi.org/10.25056/JCM.2021.5.1.40

Copyright © Korean Society of Korean Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine (KSKCS & KCCS).

A case of arteriovenous malformation of the nasal dorsum

Hyejeen Kim, MD1 , Jung Myung Kim, MD2 , Ji Yun Choi, MD, PhD1

1Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Chosun University College of Medicine, Gwangju, Rep. of Korea
2Department of Radiology, Chosun University College of Medicine, Gwangju, Rep. of Korea

Correspondence to:Ji Yun Choi
E-mail: happyent@naver.com

Received: June 7, 2021; Revised: June 10, 2021; Accepted: June 10, 2021

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a vascular malformation with an abnormal capillary shunt between the arterial and venous systems. AVMs can arise anywhere on the body, and are occasionally located in the head and neck. However, AVMs of the nose are considerably rare. Most cases of AVMs of the nose have no symptoms, but some cases show epistaxis and nasal obstruction. Furthermore, a differential diagnosis between hemangioma, lymphangioma, and AVM is important. In cases of AVMs, especially on the face, surgeons should consider cosmetic factors and choose an appropriate plan of treatment. We report the case of a 22-yearold male who presented with an asymptomatic, palpable mass on the nasal dorsum and was successfully treated with transcatheter arterial embolization and sclerotherapy.

Keywords: arteriovenous malformations, embolization, nasal dorsum, sclerotherapy

Fig 1.

Figure 1.(A) Pretreatment photograph showing protruding and pulsating mass on the right nasal dorsum. (B) Posttreatment photograph showing no visible mass on the nasal dorsum.
Journal of Cosmetic Medicine 2021; 5: 40-44https://doi.org/10.25056/JCM.2021.5.1.40


  1. Rodriguez IE, Khechoyan DY, Deleyiannis FW, French B. Surgical management of a nasal AVM in a pediatric patient: a case report. JPRAS Open 2018;16:93-7.
    Pubmed KoreaMed CrossRef
  2. Donnelly LF, Adams DM, Bisset GS 3rd. Vascular malformations and hemangiomas: a practical approach in a multidisciplinary clinic. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2000;174:597-608.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  3. Coskun BU, Sozen E, Basak T, Alkan S, Dadas B. Arteriovenous malformation of the nasopharynx: a case report. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2005;69:1287-90.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  4. Noh Y, Ryu G, Kim HY. A case of arteriovenous malformation of the nasal tip. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2020;63:123-8.
  5. Khorasani GA, Rakei S, Riazi H. Massive nasal arteriovenous malformation (AVM) excision and reconstruction with expanded forehead flap: a case report. World J Plast Surg 2017;6:106-10.
  6. Weinzweig N, Chin G, Polley J, Charbel F, Shownkeen H, Debrun G. Arteriovenous malformation of the forehead, anterior scalp, and nasal dorsum. Plast Reconstr Surg 2000;105:2433-9.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  7. Mulliken JB, Glowacki J. Hemangiomas and vascular malformations in infants and children: a classification based on endothelial characteristics. Plast Reconstr Surg 1982;69:412-22.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  8. Luessenhop AJ, Spence WT. Artificial embolization of cerebral arteries. Report of use in a case of arteriovenous malformation. J Am Med Assoc 1960;172:1153-5.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  9. Merland JJ, Ricke MC, Hadjean E. The use of superselective arteriography, embolization, and surgery in the current management of cervicocephalic vascular malformations (350 cases). In: Williams HB, editor. Symposium on vascular malformations and melanotic lesions. St. Louis: Mosby; 1983. p. 135-43.
  10. Kerber CW. Flow-controlled therapeutic embolization: a physiologic and safe technique. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1980;134:557-61.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  11. Schrudde J, Petrovici V. Surgical treatment of giant hemangioma of the facial region after arterial embolization. Plast Reconstr Surg 1981;68:878-89.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  12. Azzolini A, Bertani A, Riberti C. Superselective embolization and immediate surgical treatment: our present approach to treatment of large vascular hemangiomas of the face. Ann Plast Surg 1982;9:42-60.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  13. Demuth RJ, Miller SH, Keller F. Complications of embolization treatment for problem cavernous hemangiomas. Ann Plast Surg 1984;13:135-44.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  14. Lazzaro MA, Badruddin A, Zaidat OO, Darkhabani Z, Pandya DJ, Lynch JR. Endovascular embolization of head and neck tumors. Front Neurol 2011;2:64.
    Pubmed KoreaMed CrossRef
  15. Oliveira C, Donato H, da Silva FP, Donato P, Agostinho AG, Carvalheiro V. Long-term outcome of embolization of extracranial arteriovenous malformations of the head and neck. Acta Radiol Port 2015;106:17-22.

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