
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords


  • Article 1 (Name)
    The title of this journal is the "Journal of Cosmetic Medicine”
  • Article 2 (Issued by/Publisher)
    The publisher of this journal is the CEO of KSKCS & KCCS and the publication entity of this journal is the KSKCS & KCCS.
  • Article 3 (Editor)
    The Editor-in-chief of KSKCS & KCCS is appointed as editor.
  • Article 4 (Editorial committee members)
    The members of the editorial committee shall be elected individually according to the rules of the editorial committee of the academy.
  • Article 5 (Meeting and issuance count)
    The editorial committee shall discuss all matters concerning the publication of the journal. The journal will be published semiannually and the date of issue shall be 30th June and 31th December.
  • Article 6 (Collection, Review and Adoption of manuscripts)
    The collection, review and adoption of manuscripts shall be determined in accordance with the Regulations for Appraisal by the editorial committee.
  • Article 7 (Collection of final manuscripts)
    The final copy shall be received at least one week from the date of publication.
    When the final copy of the manuscript is loaded into the online system as a file, the editorial committee carefully reviews the manuscript, reaffirms it is compliant with the posting regulations, and requests to the contributor to revise any typographical errors or unclear diagrams have been met.
    In the final manuscript, the editor-in-chief determines the order of publication in consideration of the type of manuscript, date of publication confirmation, and so on. The editorial committee is responsible for all matters relating to the publication of the manuscript.
  • Article 8 (Printing manuscript)
    Once the editorial committee has made a decision to issue the manuscript, the manuscript will be handed over to the print shop.
    Once manuscript proofs been completed, the final printing will proceed after review by the editor-in-chief.
  • Article 9 (Cost of Publication)
    In the case of publishing costs, they shall be executed as determined by the Board of Directors of the Association.
  • Article 10 (Publishing)
    1. The number of copies of the published journal shall exceed the total number of members of the KSKCS and KCCS.
    2. In case additional copies of a published journal are requested by a member, a printing charge shall be charged for the cost of the additional copies.
    3. If the cover page of a published journal is printed incorrectly, the printing office shall be asked to correct and reprint it. Or if the title of the manuscript is incorrect, a separate edition of that paper shall be reprinted.
  • Article 11 (Distribution)
    1. This journal shall be distributed to global institutions and organizations of cosmetic and anti-aging medicine.
    2. This journal is not for sale and reproduction to bookstores for commercial purposes is prohibited.
    3. The distribution of extra copies of the journal can be made to members of academia. In other cases, the decision to distribute or not should be made by the Board of Directors after deliberation by the editorial committee.
  • Addendum
    1. This Regulation shall be effective from December 27, 2018 with the approval of the KSKCS & KCCS Board of Directors.
Vol.8 No.2 Dec, 2024

JCM Archives

Frequency : Biannually

pISSN 2508-8831
eISSN 2586-0585

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Editorial Office

Journal of Cosmetic Medicine

eISSN 2586-0585
pISSN 2508-8831
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