
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords

Editorial Committee

Chapter 1: General Provisions

  • Article 1 (Objective)
    This committee is referred to as the KSKCS & KCCS Editorial Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "committee").
  • Article 2 (Objective)
    This committee is responsible for editing and publishing the Journal of Cosmetic Medicine administered by KSKCS & KCCS (hereinafter referred to as "the Academy") and aims to improve the quality of academic papers.

CHAPTER 2: Editors and Board Members

  • Article 3 (Composition)
    This committee consists of the editors of the 'Editorial Board'. There are about 15 people including the Editor in Chief and the Managing Editors.
    1. The Chairman shall be appointed by the President of the Academy.
    2. The committee members are nominated from the editors of the 'Editorial Board' by the Editor in Chief and approved by the board.
    3. The managing editors shall be appointed by the Editor in Chief from the committee.
  • Article 4 (Terms)
    1. The terms of the Editor in Chief, Secretary, and Editorial Committee Members shall be based on the terms of the Board of Directors (two years).
    2. The editor in chief and the editors may serve consecutive terms.
    3. If the editor in chief is on a leave of absence, the president of KCCS appoints a new editor in chief.
  • Article 5 (Mission)
    1. The Editor in Chief shall oversee the committee and present the resolutions of the committee to the Board of Directors.
    2. The Editor in Chief may form subcommittees within the committee when deemed necessary.
    3. The Secretary assists the Chairperson and takes and keeps the minutes of the committee meetings.

Chapter 3: Functions

  • Article 6 (Duties)
    In order to achieve the purpose of this committee, the following matters shall be decided by deliberation.
    1. Recruitment and content of papers to be published in the journal
    2. Matters concerning selection and editing of published papers
    3. Various work related to the publications including the system of the Journal of Cosmetic Medicine, the number of published journals, volume, and contribution regulations.
    4. Business on release of other publications other than the journals
    5. Matters commissioned by the Board of Directors
    6. Relevant matters proposed by the Editor in Chief or a majority of the committee members
    7. Matters concerning selection of judges
    8. The committee shall consider, resolve and implement the following matters related to the members' research ethics:
    • ① Matters on the establishment of research ethics
    • ② Matters concerning prevention and investigation of research misconduct
    • ③ Matters concerning the protection of the informer and confidentiality
    • ④ Report on research ethics violation and follow-up action
    • ⑤ Miscellaneous matters as decided by the Editor in Chief
  • Article 7 (Meeting)
    1. The Editor in Chief may convene a meeting as occasion demands.
    2. The committee meeting is assembled when a majority of the current members are present, issues are decided by a majority of those present. In the case of a tie, the presiding officer shall decide the issue.
    3. The matters discussed and decided by the committee shall be reported to the Board of Directors, approved and carried out.
  • Addendum (Effective Date)
    Effective December 27, 2018 with the approval of the KSKCS & KCCS Board of Directors.
Vol.8 No.2 Dec, 2024

JCM Archives

Frequency : Biannually

pISSN 2508-8831
eISSN 2586-0585

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Editorial Office

Journal of Cosmetic Medicine

eISSN 2586-0585
pISSN 2508-8831
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