The Journal of Cosmetic Medicine (J Cosmet Med, pISSN 2508-8831 eISSN 2586-0585) is an international, peerreviewed, open access journal published by Korean Society of Korean Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine (KSKCS & KCCS). The Journal is first published in 2017 and publishes three times a year, on 30th June, 30th September, and 31st December. All papers must be written in Korean or English. Papers in Issues 1 and 3 are published in English, and papers in Issue 2 are published in Korean. The journal embraces all aspects of cosmetic medicine-cosmetic medical and surgical treatment, cosmetic material and device, cosmetic business, cosmetic medical policy, and cosmetic educational system based on the concept of beauty and anti-aging. The scope of coverage includes basic science, experimental and applied research, and clinical practice. The journal is distributed to KSKCS & KCCS, and co-publishing associations’ members, medical schools, libraries and related individuals or institutes to pursue the academic advancement in cosmetic medicine and to enhance an active and continued communication between members.
The KSKCS & KCCS is the owner of all copyright to papers published in J Cosmet Med and has the right to publish, reproduce, distribute, and print the contents in other types of media. Authors of accepted papers must complete the Copyright Transfer Form. A letter of permission is required for any and all material that has been published previously. It is the responsibility of the author to request permission from the publisher for any material that is being reproduced. This requirement applies to text, illustrations, and tables. This is identical to the Creative Commons (Attribution-Noncommercial) license available at
This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each submission to which Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) rankings are applicable at the bottom of the Abstract. This excludes Review Articles, and manuscripts that concern Basic Science, Animal Studies, Cadaver Studies, and Experimental Studies. Author assignments may be subject to review and modification by the Editor-in-Chief. For example (author should include entire phrase) at the bottom of the Abstract:
“Level of Evidence: Level II, therapeutic study.”
EBM ratings will be based on a scale of 1-5 as follows:
The manuscript guidelines for J Cosmet Med are based on the “Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals” published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE,, and instructions which are not mentioned in the present guidelines are referred to the guidelines stated in the Recommendations.
All manuscripts should be submitted electronically at Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word document only. Manuscripts received either incomplete or without the proper forms, or those that fail to follow these instructions will not be reviewed for publication.
The Copyright Transfer Form and Conflicts of Interest Form, available at the website, should be scanned and submitted with the manuscript.
The author can expect accepted manuscripts to be published within three months of acceptance. The Editorin-Chief has the final say on whether a manuscript is published. This decision is based on peer reviews from assistant editors and reviewers. Most submissions that are eventually accepted first require revisions recommended by the reviewers. Revising a manuscript does not guarantee its publication. Authors who respond rapidly to these revision requests will accelerate the peer review process. The editors may choose to solicit a senior commentary to accompany accepted manuscripts in print. The editors may also choose to publish some or all of a manuscript’s content online only.
2) Language of Manuscript
All manuscripts must be written in clearly understandable English or Korean. Authors whose first language is not English or Korean are requested to have their manuscripts checked for grammatical and linguistic correctness before submission. Correct medical terminology should be used, and jargon should be avoided. Use of abbreviations should be minimized and restricted to those that are generally recognized. When using an abbreviated word, it should be spelled out in full on first usage in the manuscript followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Numbers should be written in Arabic numerals, but must be spelled out when placed in the beginning of a sentence.
Measurements should be reported using the metric system, and hematologic and biochemical markers should be reported in International System (SI) of Units. All units must be preceded by one space except percentage (%), temperature (°C), and degree (°).
All submissions are made online at the journal’s online manuscript submission site submission by the corresponding author. Submitted manuscripts are initially examined for format, and then appointed a submission number. For nonbiased peer review, authors’ names and institutional affiliations should not be mentioned in the text. The revised manuscript should be submitted through the same web system under the same identification numbers. The date of final review for the manuscript will be the date of acceptance for publication. If you have any questions about the online submission process, contact the Editorial Office by e-mail at
1) Copyright Transfer All submitted manuscripts must be accompanied by the official Submission Application & Copyright Transfer Form of the KSKCS & KCCS. The form must contain the title of the manuscript, date of submission, names of all authors, authors’ affiliations, and written signatures. Note the corresponding author and provide author’s affiliation, e-mail, and ORCID. All published manuscripts become permanent property of the KSKCS & KCCS and may not be published elsewhere without written permission from KSKCS & KCCS. 2) Article Processing Charges The article processing charge for the manuscript is 330 USD. It includes the minimum page cost for journal printing, color illustrations, and manuscript editing.
Use Microsoft Word (versions after 2003) and ensure correct spelling and grammar. Setup the Microsoft Word document for 1-inch margins on letter or A4-sized paper.
The manuscript must be written in 12-point font (Times New Roman) and the sentences must be double-spaced, including tables and figure legends. Each page should be numbered in the middle of the lower margin, and all sentences must be numbered sequentially throughout the entirety of the manuscript, starting with the title page. All papers must be accompanied by a title page. The title page should contain the title of the manuscript, the authors’ names, academic degrees, positions, ORCID identifier, and respective affiliations.
The corresponding author must be identified, and his or her contact information (e-mail, ORCID) should be listed. The title should clearly describe the objective of the study and contain less than 20 words. Provide a short running title containing less than 10 words.
Original articles, Reviews, Video Articles and Case Reports should be typed double-spaced and structured in the following order: title page, structural abstract, text, tables and figure legends.
All submitted manuscripts must be accompanied by the official Submission Application & Copyright Transfer Form of the KSKCS & KCCS.
The Submission Application & Copyright Transfer Form must contain the title of the manuscript, date of submission, names of all authors, authors’ affiliations, and written signatures. Note the corresponding author and provide author’s affiliation, e-mail, and ORCID. For the copyrights of the contributions published in J Cosmet Med , see Creative Commons (Attribution-Noncommercial) at
A brief cover letter should be included and point out any special circumstances that the editors should be aware of. The authors should indicate any commercial associations with any product(s) or device(s) described in the article.
Frequency : Biannually
pISSN 2508-8831
eISSN 2586-0585
Arthur Yu, MBBS (HK), Cheuk Hung Lee, MBBS (HK), FHKAM (MED), FHKCP, MScPD (Cardiff), MRCP (UK), DPD (Wales), DipDerm (Glasgow), PGDipClinDerm (London), MRCP (London), GradDipDerm (NUS), DipMed (CUHK), Kar Wai Alvin Lee, MBChB (CUHK), DCH (Sydney), Dip Derm (Glasgow), MScClinDerm (Cardiff), MScPD (Cardiff), DipMed (CUHK), DCH (Sydney), Lisa Kwin Wah Chan, MBChB (CUHK), MScPD (Cardiff), PgDipPD (Cardiff), PGDipClinDerm (Lond), DipMed (CUHK), DCH (Sydney)
J Cosmet Med 2023;7: 88-93 Ing Heong Ling, MB BCh BAO, FKCCS
J Cosmet Med 2019;3: 108-113