
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords

Journal Identity

Meaning of Theme

Silla’s smile

Entertain the value of inherited Korean beauty, lead further into beauty industry internationally.

  • Harmony: Value of Beauty is started by harmony
  • Smile: Natural Beauty of Korea
  • Space: Infinite possible & Respect diversity of beauty

Story of theme

Journal theme was inspired by National treasure 2010
<Roof-end Tile with Human-face: 慶州 人面文 圓瓦當>, called by ‘Silla’s smile’.

The lower right part is partially missing, but the forehead, two eyes, a tall nose, a calm smile, and the jawline of both cheeks are harmonized.
It shows a high artistic level that seems to embody the aspirations and ideals of the Silla people.

Journal of Cosmetic Medicine(JCM) entertain the value of inherited Korean beauty.
Furthermore, JCM aim to lead further into beauty industry internationally.

Logo Type

Journal of Cosmetic Medicine
Journal of Cosmetic Medicine

Color System

  • Violet
    C54 M100 Y26 K9

  • Pink Lavender
    C29 M44 Y1 K0

  • Burnished Gold
    C39 M28 Y73 K3

Meaning of Theme

Tae-Geuk (태극,太極)

Tae-Geuk (태극, 太極) symbolise the harmonisation of the darkness (blue) and the brightness (red). The specific symbol is coming from the KCCS logo, indicating its root from KCCS. Blue and Green respectively symbolise wisdom and newness. The abbreviation of the Journal of Cosmetic Medicine written with Tae-Geuk in those colours means the Journal of Cosmetic Medicine is full of wisdom and interesting ideas.

Color System

  • Bule
    C97 M74 Y1 K0

  • Red
    C3 M100 Y100 K1

  • Green
    C69 M2 Y100 K0

Vol.8 No.2 Dec, 2024

JCM Archives

Frequency : Biannually

pISSN 2508-8831
eISSN 2586-0585

Most Downloaded

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Editorial Office

Journal of Cosmetic Medicine

eISSN 2586-0585
pISSN 2508-8831
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