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Kyoungjin (Safi) Kang, MD, PhD
founding editor of Journal of Cosmetic Medicine

Dear Respected Members and Readers,


The Journal of the Korean Society of Korean Cosmetic Surgery and medicine, JCM, was founded with the goal of specializing and globalizing cosmetic surgery and medicine, and began as an international English academic journal.

Up until Volume 8, Issue 1, a total of 150 papers have been published over the past 7.5 years, and JCM has received KCI and DOAJ certification. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the association’s president, editor-in-chief, editorial committee members, doctors who submitted articles, and everyone involved in Inforang and Medrang.

Aesthetic medicine is a field that crosses the border between beauty and medicine, and has developed in both artistic and medical fields with the common goals of beautifying the human face and body. Additionally, the convergence of disciplines poses many challenges due to medical and non-medical barriers.

In the field of medicine, expansion into the field of beauty is taking place based on medical knowledge, and in the field of beauty, medical practices such as tattooing, piercing, and waxing are performed by medical or non-medical personnel. Conflicts may arise because of this, but we aim to overcome these conflicts through convergent research and accumulate academic achievements in the Journal of the Korean Society of Korean Cosmetic Surgery and medicine to simultaneously pursue human health and beauty.

To this end, we propose publishing an additional Korean Edition once a year starting in 2025, to contribute to and expand the base of Korean beauty and aesthetic medicine research results.

Together with the Journal of the Korean Society of Korean Cosmetic Surgery and medicine, which has already established a history of 8 years, we hope for the health and endless development of our members.

Thank you!
Kyoungjin (Safi) Kang, MD, PhD

Vol.8 No.2 Dec, 2024

JCM Archives

Frequency : Biannually

pISSN 2508-8831
eISSN 2586-0585

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Editorial Office

Journal of Cosmetic Medicine

eISSN 2586-0585
pISSN 2508-8831
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