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Kyoungjin (Safi) Kang, MD, PhD
Publisher and founding editor of Journal of Cosmetic Medicine

Dear Members and subscribers of the Journal of Cosmetic Medicine,


In 2022, the Journal of Cosmetic Medicine has succeeded to become officially registered with the Korea Citation Index of the National Research Foundation of Korea in as little duration as 4 years and a half, and the Directory of Open Access Journals has been registered.

Preparations for the Journal of Cosmetic Medicine to enter the institutional world as a professional journal are slowly progressing as if building a stone tower. Encouraged by this, the Journal of Cosmetic Medicine will felicitously strive to becoming a globally recognized journal unrestricted by physical distance. We will be appointing editors and reviewers from across the world of various nationalities and further efforts will be made to foster global participation in the field of cosmetic medicine.

We would like to express our sincerest gratitude and respect to Professor Shin Yong-Il of Pusan National University College of Medicine for his devoted efforts as co-editor since our first volume and now honorary editor. Special thanks to the editor-in-chief, editors, and reviewers for their dedicated support and interest and the associate editors and staff of Inforang Medrang for their immense contribution.

Sincere regards.
Kyoungjin (Safi) Kang, MD, PhD

Vol.8 No.2 Dec, 2024

JCM Archives

Frequency : Biannually

pISSN 2508-8831
eISSN 2586-0585

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Editorial Office

Journal of Cosmetic Medicine

eISSN 2586-0585
pISSN 2508-8831
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