This journal embraces all aspects of cosmetic medicine-cosmetic medical and surgical treatment, cosmetic material and device, cosmetic business, cosmetic medical policy, and cosmetic educational system based on the concept of beauty and anti-aging. The scope of coverage includes basic science, experimental and applied research, and clinical practice. The journal is distributed to KSKCS & KCCS, and co-publishing associations’ members, medical schools, libraries and related individuals or institutes to pursue the academic advancement in cosmetic medicine and to enhance an active and continued communication between members.
Frequency : Biannually
pISSN 2508-8831
eISSN 2586-0585
Arthur Yu, MBBS (HK), Cheuk Hung Lee, MBBS (HK), FHKAM (MED), FHKCP, MScPD (Cardiff), MRCP (UK), DPD (Wales), DipDerm (Glasgow), PGDipClinDerm (London), MRCP (London), GradDipDerm (NUS), DipMed (CUHK), Kar Wai Alvin Lee, MBChB (CUHK), DCH (Sydney), Dip Derm (Glasgow), MScClinDerm (Cardiff), MScPD (Cardiff), DipMed (CUHK), DCH (Sydney), Lisa Kwin Wah Chan, MBChB (CUHK), MScPD (Cardiff), PgDipPD (Cardiff), PGDipClinDerm (Lond), DipMed (CUHK), DCH (Sydney)
J Cosmet Med 2023;7: 88-93 Ing Heong Ling, MB BCh BAO, FKCCS
J Cosmet Med 2019;3: 108-113